
Grow revenue
Shrink cost

At Intelligence Tools, we’re focused on building your business. More often than not, there are inefficiencies that we can address directly. Often times we find that important business activities simply don’t take place – when they could be fully automated.

We can help your business with:

  • Growing revenue through automated customer outreach.
  • Driving cost down with automation.
  • Solve capacity issues with AI.
  • Underpinning technology solutions including ETL, websites, custom development, and more.

We’re here to help, and no job is too small!

Check out more of our services below.

Reputation Management

Reviews are critical to your business. 85% of consumers look at Google reviews before making a buying decision.

We can automate the process of collecting reviews – driving up your review count, average rating, and ultimately sales.


Our automation runs in the cloud or on premises. We utilize state-of-the-art technology to:

  • Move data between systems (ETL).
  • Trigger on relevant events consumer (or internal) facing actions.
  • Monitor processes to measure success.

Missed Call Text Back

Are you missing business due to missed calls? We can automate the process.

Our missed-call text-back is an AI enabled services that makes sure your new customer stays engaged. It can also be plugged into our AI solutions which will engage the customer in an even more automated way.

Custom Development

Our firm is built on 100s of years of software development experience. There’s not a problem we can’t solve with technology.

If you have a bespoke need, reach out to us and we’d be happy to work with you to find a solution!

Everything Else

Our flagship services above are not all we do. We’re happy to work with you on digital design, web sites, marketing campaigns, and a host of other services.

Enhance your business with Intelligence Tools.

  • Grow revenue.
  • Streamline your business.
  • Leverage state-of-the-art technology.
White abstract geometric artwork from Dresden, Germany